Don’t Get Burned by Skipping a Fireplace Inspection

With the laundry list of things that home sellers have to complete before completing the sale, it’s understandable that you might feel hesitant about recommending one more thing for the list. However, as a realtor interested in selling a home for the most value possible, you should always include a fireplace inspection on the to-do [...]

By |September 27th, 2018|Blog|

The Importance of Proactive Chimney Sweeping

Unfortunately, many homeowners wait until it’s too late to schedule a chimney sweeping appointment. Just like putting off having your car taken in until the ‘check engine’ light kicks on, you should never wait until an accident or dangerous event occurs to have your chimney inspected. Have an Annual Inspection It’s good to plan on [...]

By |September 13th, 2018|Blog|

Myths About Chimney Cleaning Before a Home Sale

Is it okay for homeowners to tackle chimney cleaning alone? Do homebuyers really care about how safe and clean a chimney is before signing on the dotted line? Will a home inspector be able to catch potential issues in a chimney? There are countless myths about the importance of chimney cleaning before a home sale, [...]

By |August 28th, 2018|Blog|

How to Choose the Right Firewood

While warm fires are the last thing you want burning in your house in the summer heat, fall and brisk winter nights are right around the corner. When cooler days come around, you should start by cleaning out your fireplace and getting a chimney inspection. Once your chimney has been prepped, you need to choose [...]

By |August 9th, 2018|Blog|

4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Chimney Sweep

Choosing the right chimney sweep is important to ensure that a home can stand up to the strictest home inspection possible and that it is ready for market. When it comes time to book a chimney cleaning, the homeowners you are working with will look to you for a recommendation. When you are selecting a [...]

By |July 24th, 2018|Blog|

4 Reasons You Need to Keep Your Dryer Vents Clean

It’s easy to forget how hard your clothes dryer works to keep your family’s clothes clean and comfortable. However, behind the convenience of being able to dry a whole load of laundry in minutes instead of days, lurks lint, dust and debris in your dryer vents. Many homeowners neglect to complete dryer maintenance until there [...]

By |July 10th, 2018|Blog|

Don’t Let Your Home Sellers Skip Chimney Prep

While April showers have already given way to May flowers, this month has proven to be filled with damp weekends and drizzling afternoons. Chimneys need extra TLC during extended periods of rain, snow and ice. Skipping out on critical spring and summer chimney maintenance could spell disaster at home showings and during the home inspection. [...]

By |May 29th, 2018|Blog|

6 Ways to Tell You Are Overdue for a Gutter Cleaning

Gutter cleaning is one of the least glamorous but most important outdoor chores for homeowners. Without regular gutter cleanings, serious problems like blocked downpipes and flooding can occur. If you have been a little too relaxed about scheduling your gutter cleaning, you might be noticing some of these signs already. Now is the perfect time [...]

By |May 9th, 2018|Blog|

Cleaning Dryer Vents Before a Home Sale

Most homeowners automatically clean out the lint trap after every load of laundry, but there is more lint hiding in the vents leading from the dryer to the outside of the home. When was the last time the homeowner cleaned those? The answer is probably “maybe a few years ago.” In reality, dryer vents must [...]

By |April 26th, 2018|Blog|

Preparing Your Chimney for Wet Weather

April is here, and along with it comes all of the associated April showers that make May flowers so lovely. Did you know that your chimney needs extra care during periods of snow, ice and rain? Depending on your chimney’s material, design and construction, there are numerous precautions you should take to keep unwanted moisture [...]

By |April 10th, 2018|Blog|